Saturday, March 29, 2008


Name : Sherlynawati

Gender : Female

Day of Birth : 31 May 1986

Age : 22 years

Religion : Christiant

Address : Jl. Muara Karang blok J 7 selatan no. 38

Education Background :

  • College student at London School of Public Relation Jakarta

  • Graduated from Saint Nicholas school for senior high school

  • Graduated from Taiwan for junior high school

Job Experiance :

  • 2006-now : Mandarin teacher in Elcen course centre Jakarta

  • 2005 : Sales for travel bag in Travel Time company Jakarta

BABY boo Magazine

Pemilihan nama majalah

Nama Majalah : Baby boo
Alasan saya memakai nama Baby boo karena menurut saya itu adalah suatu nama yang kedengarannya lucu, unik dan cukup simple namun sekaligus dapat langsung memberitahukan kepada pembaca bahwa itu adalah majalah bayi

Konsep Majalah

BABYboo adalah majalah yang menampilkan fashion trend balita saat ini, mereferensikan produk-produk bayi, tips-tips bagaimana merawat bayi dan tips-tips lainnya yang dapat membantu para ibu untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang bayi mereka.

Target Market

Age : 23 – 35 tahun
Gender : Female
SES : Class B dan C
Occupation : Pekerja dan ibu rumah tangga
Residence : Kota-kota besar (Jakarta, Bandung,
Medan, Surabaya, dll..)

Type, Content and Price

Tipe majalah : Baby boo terbit 1bulan 1x
Harga majalah : Rp 22.000 untuk Pulau Jawa
Rp 25.000 untuk luar Pulau Jawa
Isi majalah : Tebal 40 lembar. 20% untuk iklan, macam-macam produk bayi,
fashion bayi, tips-tips merawat bayi, tips-tips memilih produk bayi,
berita selebritis, dan artikel utama dan artikel lainnya.

Bussiness Chance

Travel business about make a devotional visit to the Holy Land for Christiant people

Disini kami mau memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat luas tentang Miller Tour & Travel.
Apa saja keuntungan dari Miller Tour & Travel?
Miller Tour & Travel sangat mengutamakan customer baik dari segi pelayanan, kenyamanan dan juga kualitas dari service-service yang kami berikan.
Kami juga memberikan kemudahan fasilitas kepada customer mulai dari pelayanan pengurusan visa, tiket pesawat, Hotel, serta keperluan-keperluan lainnya sehingga customer cukup dengan membayar dan tidak perlu repot untuk mengurus semua akomodasi, dan semuanya itu akan selesai 2 hari sebelum hari keberangkatan.
Selain itu kami juga menyediakan layanan 24 jam yang selalu sedia melayani setiap customer.
Tentu saja ditangani dengan staff- staff dan pegawai yang bekerja secara profesional.
Namun kelemahan pada Miller Tour & Travel ini biayanya yang cukup mahal dibandingkan dengan Tour& Travel lainnya, karena kami memberikan fasilitas yang terbaik serta mementingkan kenyamanan dan kualitas dari pelayanan kami.

Karena banyaknya permintaan dari customer-customer kami untuk mengadakan program berziarah pada akhir tahun maka Miller Tour & Travel melihat adanya peluang yang bagus. Maka pada natal tahun ini kami akan mengadakan program liburan untuk berziarah.
Miller Tour & Travel dalam menyambut natal pada tahun 2007 ini, akan mengadakan program berziarah ke Holy Land (Israel) selama 14 hari. Disana kita akan mengunjungi tempat – tempat berziarah yang masih sama seperti 2000 tahun yang lalu seperti ke makam Tuhan Yesus, Sungai Yordan , Golgota, tempat dimana Tuhan Yesus memberi makan ribuan orang hanya dengan 5 roti dan 2 ikan, dan masih banyak tempat-tenpat bersejarah lainnya.
Yang menjadi target market dari program berziarah ini mulai dari yang belum menikah, pasangan suami istri, atau pasangan yang akan menikah, dan juga bagi yang sudah berkeluarga.

Miller Tour & Travel akan mempromosikan program ini lewat media cetak dan bekerja sama dengan gereja-gereja Kristen yang ada di Jakarta dengan tujuan memperkenalkan kepada pihak gereja program kami agar diperbolehkan untuk menempel brosur – brosur dan panflet di gereja tersebut dan meminta ijin agar pihak gereja memberi space untuk membuka information stand.
Kami juga akan membuka stand di beberapa mall
Mengirimkan brosur kepada para pelanggan Miller Tour & Travel khususnya bagi yang beragama Kristen

Mempromosikan lewat media cetak
- Pemasangan iklan di koran kompas dan Suara Pembaruan
- Pemasangan iklan di majalah – majalah religi untuk agama Kristen
- Mencetak brosur, leafleft, spanduk dan panflet

Bekerja sama dengan gereja-gereja Kristen :
- Pertama – tama kami akan menempelkan brosur dan panflet kira-kira 6 bulan sebelum bulan December.
- Untuk 1 bulan pertama kami akan membuka information stand di semua gereja yang sudah bekerja sama dengan Miller Tour &Travel

Membuka stand di beberapa mall :
- Karena target market kami untuk middle dan upper class maka kami akan membuka stand di Mall Senayan City, Mall Taman Anggrek dan Mall Kelapa Gading selama 1 bulan
- Disini kami juga akan menyediakan 2 orang SPG untuk membagikan brosur kepada pengunjung mall.

Mengirimkan brosur kepada pelanggan Miller Tour & Travel :
Kami akan mengirimkan brosur ke rumah - rumah para pelanggan khususnya yang beragama Kristen agar mereka mengetahui program yang sedang kami adakan ini
Untuk spanduk kami akan memasang di depan kantor Miller Tour & Travel sendiri

Out Take yang kami lakukan adalah bagaimana pelayanan yang kami berikan selama kami mempromosikan program liburan ini. Baik dari pelayanan dari pegawai-pegawai Miller Tour & Travel dalam melayani dan menjawab semua pertanyaan customer secara detail namun sopan, pemilihan tempat –tempat yang akan dikunjungi , maupun bagaimana keprofesionalan prosedur kerja Miller Tour & Travel itu sendiri.
Apabila out take yang kami berikan berdampak baik , maka out come yang akan kita peroleh juga akan baik dan dapat tercapai objective dari perusahaan.


The Relationship between Work Performance and Personality Traits

Work performance and personality traits is very connected. Because when a people working in an organization as a employee they have to show their work performance to the boss. And any employees have many different personality traits.
So, how to show their performance. Good personality is such as an employee has self monitoring, high self esteem, intense desire to achieve, easygoing, maintain good relation with others. Of course everybody know every person has different personality, this is a challanging for the manager, how to manage their employees to show the best work performance. Start from find out the personal characteristics one by one of all the employees. Then try to understand and accept them likely than others to be positive and enthusiastic, same with some workers likely others to complain and experience stree because of their personalities. And then give support to workers with low self-confidence and self-esteem, try to trained them to be more confidence.
The important to your self as a manager try to give the best performance and have fear attitude with any workers. Make them believe if you are the best manager they ever meet.
“The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator One of the most widely used personality frameworks is called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI). It is essentially a 100-question personality test that asks people how they usually feel or act in particular situations.” “A recent book that profiled 13 contemporary businesspeople who created super successful firms including Apple Computer, Federal Express, Honda Motors, Microsoft, and Sony found that all 13 are intuitive thinkers (NTs). This result is particularly interesting because intuitive thinkers represent only about five percent of the population.” (robbins,2003, p.96)
From here we can look this MBTI very useful in an organization because we so many branded company take the MBTI program. After we use the MBTI we can know our employees personality traits and that can make our company being success.

The Big 5 Models
“After almost century of research, personality psychologist largely agree that five dimensions can describe human personality. The following are typical traits associated with the high and low characteristics of each Big Five Personality dimension.”
- High: Talkative, active, sociable, assertive, gregarious
- Low : Reserved, quiet, introverted
Emotional stability
- High: Calm, relaxed, secure
- Low : Worried, depressed, anxious, insecure, angry, embarassed
- High: Cooperative, tolerant, good-natured, trusting, courteous, caring.
- Low : Rude, cold, unkind
- High: Dependable, thorough, organized, responsible, planful, achievement oriented, hardworking
- Low : Sloppy, careless, inefficient
Openness to experience
- High: Curious, intelligent, broadminded, creative, imaginative, cultured
- Low : Simple, unimaginative, conventional
(Champoux,2006, p110-111)
I. Extraversion
extraversion people usually they are talkative , sociable and friendly. They have a good interaction with others. At works, extraverts can enjoy with their job, feel satisfied do the job and they can make a good relation with others. They also have positive mood.
When people low in extraversion they can be introversion people ussually reserved, quiet, introverted. Introverts didn’t want to interaction with other people, they don’t want socializing with others. At works, introverts is hard for them to socialize with other employees because they are quiet and don’t want open them selve to others. usually in cooperate introverts only interaction with small group people. especially for job performance, introverts feel differents with extraverts, they can’t feel enjoy and satisfied do their job. On their mind, they only think the job have to do the best, be more perfect is more good.
As a manager in an organization we maybe meet extraverts and introverts employees. for the extraverts, that`s look good because when you work the first important thing is you like the position and can feel enjoy to do your job. For that reason they can give the best work performance. But for the introverts, that’s already be your personality but you can try to learn for the extraverts, make the job as your hobby maybe this way can help you more feel enjoy with your job.
II. Emotional Stability
When you high an emotional stability you can control your selve. Usually they calm, relaxed and secure. At works, you work with a lot of people, your emotional stability is really important. When you meet some problem, the first thing try to control your emotion, stay calm and try to find out the solution. But if they low in emotional stability when they meet some problems, they can’t control themselves and usually the feedback is negative. They can be depressed, anxious, angry, etc. We know when your feel emotional that can’t solve the problem. So for the manager try to the understand and accept them why their emotion was not stabil. Maybe you can tell them what the steps they have to do and trained them one by one. Because when you can control your emotion you will feel more enjoy and no need to be negative affectifity first.

III. Agreeableness
When people high in agreeableness usually they tolerant, good natured, cooperative, trusting, caring and courteous. It’s a type of kind people! In an organization we hope everybody is like that. That can be make a good relation in relationship between one employee and others. Because in an organization we work together, they helped another. But when people low in agreeableness, they are antagonist, usually they rude, unkind, and cold.
Of ourse in an organization we should have agreeableness, from this we can feel the togetherness with other. They can be a good team. If we work with a lot of people we need compactness to be a good team. The team in organization have a good function. So, try to train and give briefly explainning to all employees about the function of agreeableness if they want to be success in working.

IV. Conscientiousess
When a people high an conscientiousness are organized and have a lot of self disciplin. If you want to be success try to discipline with yourself and also worth your time. Because if you discipline you can organize your plan for the future. At works, this is very important to have self discipline, when you have self discipline, you will discipline with your job to have responsibility to done your job and you will hardworking.
But when a people low on conscientiousness may lack direction and self discipline. is the important thing for manager to make sure is there the employees have self discipline or not?
Because for the future self discipline can be a pridectore of perfomance in many job. Try to trained all of your employees have a lot of self discipline too. Start from being on time in any situation, hard working and be a responsible person. Conscientiousness is the key to be success because when you have a lot of self-discipline you will planning all of your plan. You can minimize the mistake will happen and you will be responsible.
V. Opennes to Eperience
The last personal traits of big five models is opennes to experience. Opennes to experience people usually curious, intelegent, broadminded, creative, imaginative, cultured.
This type of people will thrive on their job, because they are creative, they know how to make a new ideas for an organization.
People when low on opennes to experience usually they are conventional, unimaginative and have simple mind.
Actually in bussiness competition need opemmes to experience people to perform jobs, giving an innovation. So, as a manager should have opennes to experience, that will give an advantage for entrepreneurs.